2021 Internships

Garret Schindler

Laughlin Constable

During his time at Laughlin Constable, Garret learned how to perform professionally even from the remote setting of his home. He also learned how to use AWS and program a choose-your-own-adventure skill for Alexa-enabled devices. Here he worked on the Alexa app called “Defeat the Future”. He made this app for Alexa devices and put it on the Amazon store.

Cole Hansen

CGSmith LLC.

During his time at CGSmith, Cole learned how to work with PHP, Yii2, HTML, VIM, JavaScript, databases, apps and APIs. He spent his time as a Junior Web Developer working on the ShipWise API offered by CGSmith. His biggest project was creating an app on the shopify webstore that created webhooks to connect shopify users to ShipWise.

Kyle Jambretz

Medical Numerics Inc.

During his time in his internship he learned how to design simple solutions to complex problems, deploy web servers in Python and adapt and overcome problems on the fly. His favorite project was designing a web server to track the status of processes and generate JSON data to begin new ones.

Jacob Hasemen


During his time at Shield he learned many important skills like live documentation on what you are currently working on. He also learned to test everything, sometimes when fixing Chromebooks the solution isn’t always easy, but he learned to keep persistent. Lastly and most importantly was being able to work with a team, during the da hsi boss, Dominic, would come show him what he was working on, learning from someone more experienced him made it easier to solve problems in the future.